49th Westchester International Exhibition 2022

All Entries and Fees Must Be Received By
Closing Date: April 9, 2022
49th Westchester International Exhibition 2022
sponsored by the Color Camera Club of Westchester
PSA (Pictorial Image Division).

The exhibition is open to all interested photographers.

Photos will be submitted in three categories - Color Open, Nature, and Monochrome divisions

Up to four images may be submitted in each division. All images will be submitted online in JPEG format

All images will be judged and 20 % to 35% of the submitted images will be accepted for inclusion in the exhibition and catalog.

NOTE: Please enter all photographs in all divisions you are participating in, when you submit, or re-submit your images. Subsequent submissions will completely replace all previous ones.

Color Open division will have one award:

  • Best of Show

The Nature division will have two awards:

  • Best of Show
  • Elijah Goodwin Honorary Certificate for Best Bird Photo

The Monochrome division will have one award:

  • Best of Show

Entry Fees (Paypal)

  • $8 for 4 photos in PID Color Open Division
  • $8 for 4 photos in Nature Division
  • $8 for 4 photos in PID Monochrome Class


Maximum JPEG file size is 2000KB.

If you submit JPG files larger than 2000KB you will receive an error message and your images will not be accepted.

Maximum image dimensions are 1024 pixels on the horizontal side and 768 pixels on the vertical side.

Please note: If you submit an oversize image, you will receive an error message. Please double check your image dimensions.

If you need to change or add to an entry already processed you must resubmit the entire entry form with all images, not just the changes or additions. If you submit multiple entries, only the last entry will be retained. Earlier entries will be discarded.

If there are errors or questions, click here to send email to news@cccwinternational.com

Special Characters.

Special characters such as , ; : # & \ / ' will be eliminated from your input so please avoid use of them. These characters can interfere with processing of your data/entry.


Entries Must Be Made Using Western/Latin Alphabet Only

Step 1 - Type in your personal information - 35 characters maximum in each field

Required Fields Are In Red
Given Name (Personal Name)
Family Name (Surname)
Honors (Select Up To Three)
Address 1
Address 2 (If Required)
Zip or Postal Code
Email Address
Verify Email Address
Member of CCCW camera club?
  Please Select Yes or No

Step 2 - Type in Image Titles and Attach Files for Color Open Section which is recognized by the PSA Pictorial Image Division. Click here to read the rules for images in this section. A new tab will open and this tab will remain intact.

Skip this step and go to Step 3 if no entries in this section

Enter Each Image Title
(35 characters maximum)
Click On Browse To Attach Your JPGs
Do not type in this field

Step 3 - Type in Image Titles and Attach Files for Nature Section which is recognized by the PSA Nature Division. Click here to read the rules for images in this section. A new tab will open and this tab will remain intact.

Skip this step and go to Step 4 if no entries in this section

Enter Each Image Title
(35 characters maximum)
Click On Browse To Attach Your JPGs
Do not type in this field

Step 4 - Type in Image Titles and Attach Files for Monochrome Section which is recognized by the PSA PID Monochrome Class. Click here to read the rules for images in this section. A new tab will open and this tab will remain intact.

Skip this step and go to Step 5 if no entries in this section

Enter Each Image Title
(35 characters maximum)
Click On Browse To Attach Your JPGs
Do not type in this field

Step 5 - Accept terms & conditions, review information, and then go to Step 6 to submit your entry


  Check this box to affirm that you accept the terms and conditions of this exhibition.

To read the terms and conditions CLICK HERE to open a new tab. The current tab that contains this form will remain unchanged, so you can read the terms and conditions and then return to this tab to complete your submission.

•  Please scroll up and review all the information you entered above. Correct any errors if required.

•  You are now ready to submit your entry. After you click on the submit button below, your jpg files and information will be transmitted to the web site.

•  Please only press  the Submit Button once. Transmitting the entry requires sending a lot of data so be patient as it may take a couple of minutes.

•  Please be patient . . . uploading process, file renaming, etc. may take two or three minutes depending on the size of your files, speed of your internet connection, etc.

•  When your submission has been completed, a confirming email will be sent to your email address. The email will include thumbnails of each image you submitted.


Please be paitent after you click on the Submit button... it takes a while (maybe a minute or two) to upload your images.